Volunteer Board of Directors
Our Board is made up of volunteers from community businesses, agencies and the general public with an interest in the welfare of senior citizens. The Board of Directors meets six times per year at the Center. Directors also help with fundraising and community awareness. By-laws stipulate that as many as 13 and as few as 9 Board Members are allowed.
Each Term is three years, and Board Members may serve two consecutive three year Terms, according to our By-laws. Board Members are nominated by the Board and voted on by Center Members at the annual meeting held each July.
Committees of the Board include Policy and Procedure, Personnel, Finance, Building, Bingo, Community Relations, Nominating, Programs and Planning. Officers of the Board include the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary.
The Board of Directors oversees the work of the Coordinator of Member Services, and sets policy. The Coordinator of Member Services is responsible for the day to day operation of the Center, including, but not limited to, fundraising, finances, volunteer activities, programs, community relations, and more.
The Board has 6 regular scheduled meetings per year, as well as Committee Meetings and any Special Meetings deemed necessary. Meetings are held at the Inman Center on the second Tuesday of every other month, beginning in September.
Kara Travis, Chairperson
Second Term Start: 7/2021
Term End: 7/2024
Lynn Otto, Vice-Chairlynnotto63@hotmail.com
First Term Start: 7/2020 Term End: 7/2023 |
Marcia Hazzard, Treasurerhazzard_marcia@yahoo.com
Interim Term Start: 3/2022 Term End: 7/2022 |
Kathleen Smith, Secretary |
Jerre Chilton, Memberchilt3amst@nycap.rr.com
First Term Start: 7/2023 Term End: 7/2026 |
Tim Riley, Membertriley24van@gmail.com
First Term Start: 7/2021 Term End: 7/2024 |
David R. Kline, Memberdkline629@yahoo.com
Second Term Start: 7/2022 Term End: 7/2025 |
Agnes Hernandez, Memberagnesh47@aol.com
First Term Start: 7/2023 Term End: 7/2026 |
Ronald (Rick) Raco, Member racorick@yahoo.com First Term Start: 7/2023 Term End: 7/2023 |
Frank Szjkowski, Memberfranktuman01@gmail.com
Second Term Start: 7/2023 Term End: 7/2026 |
Robert Scott, Memretired301@yahoo.com
Second Term Start: 7/2023 Term End: 7/2026 |
Tom Donahue, Membertd123-@hotmail.comFirst Term Starts: 7/2022
Term Ends 7/2025
Carol White, Memberceejay3175@gmail.comFirst Terms Starts: 7/2022
Term Ends: 7/2025 |